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Holding Tanks Vs Septic Systems


If you’re new to septic tank systems or are just curious to learn more, you have probably heard about holding tanks as well. So what are they and what is the difference? Let’s take a closer look at holding tanks and septic systems so you can determine which might be best for your home.

What is a Holding Tank?

A holding tank does just what its name suggests. It holds wastewater from your home. Because it is only a holding tank and doesn’t have a system set up to deal with the waste once it hits the tank, it needs to be emptied once it has reached its capacity. The frequency of pumping will vary, but the average holding tank that gets regular use will need to be pumped monthly. Smaller holding tanks that get frequent use may need to be emptied weekly. While they are sometimes used in homes, holding tanks are better suitable for tiny houses or trailers or recreational vehicles like RVs or boats. Holding tanks are not designed for large households or long-term use. That’s where septic tank systems come in.

What is a Septic Tank System?

Like a holding tank, a septic tank is designed to hold wastewater from your home. But unlike a holding tank, a septic tank system is designed to treat the wastewater and allow it to seep into the surrounding ground called the drain field, to make room for more waste. Although a septic tank will need to be pumped about once a year, it is designed for long-term use. A properly maintained septic tank can last up to 40 years. With proper maintenance, including inspections, pumping, and repairs as soon as a problem arises, septic systems are the perfect choice for homeowners looking for an alternative to city sewage.

Own a septic tank system? Call Wind River Environmental today to get on a regular pumping schedule.
