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What to Do About Septic Odors

Blonde girl

In the New Hampshire region, we’ve seen temperatures skyrocket to over 90 degrees lately. While this summer weather is great for BBQs and sunbathing, it can also bring out some funky odors from your septic tank and leach field. Products like Febreze and Lysol may work great for neutralizing odors in your bathroom, but it’s not going to be much help outside! Here are some recommended steps for helping to identify and eliminate strong septic smells.

Get Your Septic Checked

Sometimes these odd odors occasionally occur due to the standard breakdown of solids in your tank. They should be passing and not linger for long. However, stinky smells that just won’t go away could also indicate a functionality issue. If the odor doesn’t dissipate after a few weeks, you should definitely consider contacting us and having our experts make sure everything’s running properly.

Be Careful What You Flush

Remember, putting products and chemicals in your toilet that don’t belong there can also cause a smelly situation. Wet wipes, sanitary products, and paper towels are extremely hard for your system to break down and can eventually result in a clogged pipe. If left unattended, this clog will start to reek over time due to the build-up of waste. In addition, hazardous liquids like grease, oils, and bleach contain properties that interfere with the good bacteria in your septic. If these bacteria can’t properly break down your waste, then you’ll end up with an awful odor which, unfortunately for you, is exacerbated when it’s especially hot out.

Review Riser Covers

Most newer septic systems have a riser cover that provides direct access to your tank. These are supposed to be tightly closed (usually with a rubber seal and screws) to properly prevent anything unwanted from getting in or out. If you notice a strong odor in the area of your riser, it may just be an issue with the cover itself. If it’s not secured properly or is broken, any openings or cracks would allow for the odors in your tank to be released into the air above ground.

Time to Pump the Tank

Continuous unpleasant aromas coming from your septic could also indicate that it’s simply time to pump your tank. Do you remember the last time it was done? We definitely don’t recommend waiting for an odor to appear to get your septic pumped. Regardless of whether you smell anything or not, you should mark your calendar to schedule a routine pumping every 2-3 years. However, if you do smell your septic waste for a longer period, it could mean it’s time to refer to step 1 above.

Bottom line: Smells don’t always mean something is wrong. After all, we are talking about unpleasant waste here—it’s not going to smell like roses! If it’s persistent and accompanied by other issues such as flooding or clogging, then there could be a bigger issue with your septic system. We’re here to help if you need us! Contact us for quick, quality assistance for your septic needs.
