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Wind River Environmental Commercial Portal

Commercial Portal Dashboard - Service Location Summary

The Dashboard’s Service Location Summary widget displays details of your jobsites, either as a List or on a Map. In the list view you can see the Last & Next Service dates.

The “Learn About This” icon links to the associated training.

The Search magnifying glass pops up a general search of any text. Searching for MA will bring back jobsites in Massachusetts, but also jobsites on Main Street.  

The Three Dots icon provides the ability to refresh the view.

The Jobsite column is a link that will Pop Up the list of services performed at that job site address. There are icons to the Service History and Invoice List pages for that jobsite.

The columns can be sorted in ascending and descending order making it easier to see work in a specific city or state.

Clock Icon – Service History –  brings you to this Jobsite’s Service History List, where you can set a date range and list all the Invoices for the job site.  The Jobsites can be viewed and/or downloaded.

Dollar Sign Icon – Invoices – brings you to this Jobsite’s Invoice List, where you can set a date range and list all the Invoices for this job site. The Invoices can be viewed and/or downloaded.

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Commercial Portal Overview
Easy access to your service schedule, manifests, pictures, invoices, locations and service history to manage your business
  • Dashboard
    Get a quick view of Payables status, your Future Work Order list and calendar and your Service Locations.
  • Payables Widget
    A quick view of your WRE Account
  • Future Work Orders Widget
    View and Export your upcoming work orders and status for today, 7 days or 30 days
  • Service Location Summary
    View your existing Service Locations and their last and next service dates. Ensure we have the current information.
  • Calendar
    View the month’s work across your service locations, or filter down to a single location. Get the individual work order information.
  • Service History Page
    View, Download, Export your Service History
  • Invoices Page
    View, Download, Export your Invoices
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